Disclosure of Grant and Contribution Awards Over $25,000

Recipient name : Centre d'orientation paralégale et sociale pour immigrants
Location : Montréal, Québec
Date : 2007-02-01
Value : $125,724.00
Type : Contribution
Purpose : The agency's main goal is to offer young people a way to communicate about and think through the problems of crime and violence through a play produced by and for young people. About fifteen young boys and girls will be recruited from three large secondary schools (Père-Marquette, Georges-Vanier and Lucien-Pagé) to write the play based on various problems, which will be identified by the young people from these schools after meetings with parents. The young people will be involved in all production stages of the play and in various tasks such as creating sets, costumes, music, etc. The play will be presented in neighbourhood primary schools, community centres and youth centres. There will be two or three performances a week. Following these performances, discussions between the young people, the parents and the public are planned. The agency hopes to bring together some 800 people. The coordinator will serve as the process facilitator and will work in close collaboration with the neighbourhood schools and community agencies. Meetings with the partners will be organized to prepare for the activity. The Alliance of Cultural Communities for Equality in Health and Social Services (ACCESS) will provide information on the experiences of vulnerable immigrant teens and on existing social service resources. The Intercultural Institute of Montreal gives training to young people on cross-cultural relations in order to help them better understand the dynamic of communication. Follow-up with the young people is planned to help them continue their development. Parents will be encouraged to attend problem-solving workshops. Following the various meetings with partners, the young people and parents, the agency will develop assessment tools using the various recommendations it has collected.
Comments : Multi-year: 2006-07 to 2009-10.
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