Disclosure of Grant and Contribution Awards Over $25,000

Recipient name : United Native Nations Local 560 - Alberni Valley
Location : Port Alberni, British Columbia
Date : 2006-01-17
Value : $25,152.00
Type : Contribution
Purpose : The purpose of this project is to increase the educational success of Aboriginal youth at-risk living in the Alberni Valley of British Columbia. To do so, the Community Aboriginal Mentorship Program (CAMP) will support youth in overcoming the barriers to educational attainment. The project will include mentorship activities where older students, parents, and other community members will provide tutoring and other support to youth involved in the initiative. The project will also include a number of workshops to increase youth's understanding of the other barriers to successful educational completion. Workshop topics will include information on substance abuse, sexual exploitation, bullying, violence, and a number of other issues that often act as barriers to youth completing school. Other workshops will focus on life skill development, which will assist youth in setting future education and employment goals. Additionally, a Youth Action Team will be established, allowing participants to develop a youth-driven crime prevention project. A cultural component will also be an important part of this project. It will include weekly visits to various culturally relevant sites around the area, which will be coupled with cultural development workshops. These activities will assist the youth in recapturing their culture and integrating it into their daily lives, thus providing them with a deeper connection to their traditions and community.
Comments : Multi-Year: 2005/2006 to 2006/2007
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