Disclosure of Grant and Contribution Awards Over $25,000

Recipient name : Bordeaux-Cartierville Youth Round Table
Location : Montreal, Quebec
Date : 2006-12-20
Value : $499,998.00
Type : Contribution
Purpose : The purpose of this project is to encourage victims to talk about their experience in order to build their self-esteem and to make offenders understand the consequences of their actions. The project is also designed to equip parents and school teams with the tools they need to address the causes and consequences of youth violence and provide the community with tools to better understand and prevent problems. The project aims to prevent bullying in eight schools in Bordeaux-Cartierville. The organization plans to offer workshops for students from Kindergarten to Grade 6, and to students in junior high. The workshops will cover dispute resolution, different types of violence and their causes and consequences, racism, etc. The organization will also set up discussion groups involving victims and chronic bullies. The bullies will receive special assistance to help them pinpoint the root causes of their aggressive behaviour. Victims will receive support to provide them with the tools and assistance they need to restore their self-confidence and boost their self-esteem. The component aimed at teachers and school staff will entail conferences to raise awareness about the bullying problem. The conferences will provide information on how to recognize the early warning signs of bullying in school, harmonize school rules taking the bullying into account, propose schoolyard monitoring techniques that permit early detection, identify simple ways for students to come forward and talk about their concerns, and propose options for the cooperation between parents and schools that is essential to early detection. One conference per school will be held, and follow-up will be ensured with each of them. Conferences and training sessions will be offered to parents (and the community at large) to raise awareness and provide tools for dealing with situations in which their child is bullying others or being bullied, and recognizing the warning signs of intimidation. The eight schools targeted are Alice Parizeau, François de Laval, Gille-Vigneault, Louisbourg, Ste-Odile, Évageline, Ladauversière, Sophie Barat and Eureka. On average, the project's activities will reach more than 1,200 students, 400 teachers and school staff, and 400 parents.
Comments : Multi-year: 2006-07 to 2009-10.
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