Disclosure of Grant and Contribution Awards Over $25,000

Recipient name : Chapel Island First Nation
Location : St. Peter’s, Nova Scotia
Date : 2011-07-19
Value : $317,921.00
Type : Grant
Purpose : Apaji-Knu’tmasi L’nueyey addresses crime prevention amongst youth in Potlotek (Chapel Island First Nation) through a Mi’kmaq cultural framework and is designed to reduce crime through addressing underlying root factors related to loss of culture and identity. The target group is 60 youth between the ages of 13-18 who are at-risk or already involved in criminal behavior. There will be monthly workshops offering training on Leadership, mentoring, Mi’kmaq culture, Mi’kmaq language, and conflict resolution as well as weekly activities on Mi’kmaq language, Sweat lodges, talking circles, sacred medicines; drumming, dances; medicine pouches, wigwam building, canoe-building. Cultural experts will be used to lead the activities. This is a project consisting of a three-pronged approach: capacity building; partnership services and community based project delivery.
Comments : Multi-Year: 2011/2012 to 2013/2014.
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