Disclosure of Grant and Contribution Awards Over $25,000

Location : Fredericton, New Brunswick
Date : 2006-06-26
Value : $15,583.00
Type : Contribution
Purpose : The sponsor intends to organize a multicultural youth group for young people aged 15-21, providing a forum for youth to come together in a safe setting for social, educational and recreational purposes. The educational component of the project will respond to identified needs and interests of the youth and parents currently using the programs and services of the sponsoring organization. These topics include: responding to bullying; gambling addiction education; drug, alcohol and solvent abuse; developing self-esteem; law enforcement and youth: towards mutual understanding in a multicultural environment; dating violence. Another element of this program will be an emphasis on youth-parent communication and education. Parents will be encouraged to take an active role in the youth program, and classes, information sessions or workshops will be offered for parents and youth, either separately or together, depending on topic, in the areas of rights and responsibilities of parents and youth in Canada; drug and alcohol abuse; parenting in the Canadian context; effective responses to bullying and racism; dealing with cross-generational conflict; effective child - parent communication. Parents and youth will receive training and support to develop and facilitate the group, with an emphasis on volunteer leadership that will be sustainable in the long-term.
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