Disclosure of Grant and Contribution Awards Over $25,000

Recipient name : Calgary Chinese Community Services
Location : Calgary, Alberta
Date : 2006-01-01
Value : $55,478.00
Type : Contribution
Purpose : The purpose of this project is to plan and develop public awareness campaigns focused on victimization targeted at marginalized population in the Chinese community either because of limited English proficiency, lack of information about community resources and/or cultural and social isolation. We will work in partnership with ethnic media (radio, print, television) as well as faith-based organizations to produce linguistically and culturally appropriate public awareness campaigns on one or more victimization issues. Underserved populations, particularly socially isolated immigrant communities, have a lack of awareness regarding victims' rights and available resources help for crime victims in the community. Many mainstream organizations would like to reach to these groups but lack the links or the appropriate skills. CCCSA is a community based organization and has ties with underserved groups and based on targeted, well researched public awareness campaigns produced in partnership with victim service and crime prevention organizations and ethnic media can provide accurate information about victims' rights and services to potential victims and their families that may not otherwise be conveyed through mainstream media and program outreach.
Comments : Multi-Year: 2007/2008 to 2008/2009
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