Disclosure of Grant and Contribution Awards Over $25,000

Recipient name : Centre de Bénévolat de la Péninsule Acadienne (CPBA) Inc
Location : Caraquet, New Brunswick
Date : 2013-04-26
Value : $1,757,765.00
Type : Contribution
Purpose : This amendment #2 extended the agreement by 20 months and adds $710,681.01. Provide additional project activities to additional at-risk youth participants.
Comments : Other Government Funding: "Royal Canadian Mounted Police - $76,413.57, New Brunswick Minister of Public Safety - $42,440, New Brunswick Social Development - $41,133.57, New Brunswick Post-Secondary Education, Training and Labour - $7,160.00, New Brunswick, Department of Wellness, Culture and Sport - $7,160, Municipality of Shippagan/Lamèque - $12,450, Municipality of Tracadie-Sheila - $12,450, Municipality of Caraquet - $12,450. Multi-Year: 2010-2011 to 2015-2016. Original agreement reported in Q2 report in FY 10/11. Amendment #1 had no financial change.
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