Disclosure of Grant and Contribution Awards Over $25,000

Recipient name : West Island Black Community Association
Location : Roxboro, Québec
Date : 2007-08-08
Value : $50,000.00
Type : Grant
Purpose : The goal of this project is to build on the accomplishments of the initial activities of the prevention vision, to refine a prevention program to focus more clearly on Black youth that are at risk and to have in place an action plan targeting best practice approaches. The community wants to strengthen collaboration with schools, police, youth and families all of which need to be mobilized and approaches evaluated. At the end of one year, it is expected that best practices will have been identified and an action plan will be in place WIBCA will work on three objectives. They will continue to increase the capacity of staff, board, and volunteers to be involved in prevention planning and development by providing training and organizing forums. They will use experiences and lessons learned (what works) to continue the development of pro-social alternatives, school based prevention approaches, life skills training to prevent substance abuse and family strengthening activities. This will be carried out through activities such as, school tutorials, basketball tournaments, after school programmes and eventually activities initiating youth into teamwork, critical thinking and leadership skills. Finally, they will also continue the development of strategic partnerships with the network of social community services on the West Island youth and their families. Police and CLSCs will work on the development of a campaign to prevent substance abuse and identify family support mechanisms that work. The organization will collaborate with Côtes-des-Neiges Black Community Association and other partners in the development of an After school program, a teen leardership program, a summer camp, a sports and recreation program and a parent program. They will collaborate with the African Canadian Development and Prevention Network (ACDPN) towards creating a coordinating committee to structure community involvement and develop in collaboration with a broad section of the Black community a prevention action plan. Black youth will be trained to mobilize other youth and organize a campaign which identifies their needs, concerns, and which targets their priorities for inclusion in an Black Youth Prevention Action Plan which will be integrated into a larger community-wide West Island Prevention Action Plan. Finaly, WIBCA will develop a collaborative process and structure with the police and CLSC to promote drug prevention campaign
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