Disclosure of Grant and Contribution Awards Over $25,000

Recipient name : Municipality of Cape Dorset-Recreation Dept
Location : Cape Dorset, Nunavut
Date : 2007-08-29
Value : $140,000.00
Type : Grant
Purpose : This project will focus on providing programming that empowers the youth to make healthy lifestyle choices, and by doing this, it is hoped that both the crime and suicide rates will drop. The activities of the project include hiring an individual to run a recently built Youth Centre in Cape Dorset. The youth centre will provide a safe haven for youth to congregate and participate in activities as well as have access to learning opportunities resulting in healthier alternatives to crime and deviant behaviour. The youth centre coordinator will focus on including community members such as RCMP, elders, and parents in facilitating programs so that youth have an opportunity to form healthy relationships with adults.
Comments : Multi-Year: 2007/2008 to 2008/2009
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