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L'Aréna des Canadiens Inc.: 2023 - Annual Report pursuant to the Fighting Against Forced Labour and Child Labour in Supply Chains Act (2024)


Supply Chains Act






(online resource)


Disclaimer : Public Safety Canada is not responsible for the contents of reports posted within the Supply Chains Act repository of the Library Catalogue, other than the report(s) submitted on behalf of Public Safety Canada. Some of the reports within the Library Catalogue are from an external source that are not subject to the Government of Canada's Web Standards, the Privacy Act or the Official Languages Act and, therefore, are available only in the language in which they were provided. Public Safety Canada does not ensure the accuracy or reliability of the content. Any member of the public with questions relating to the accessibility, language or content of any third-party report should direct their questions to the respective entity or government institution, directly.
Disclaimer : This is a revised report. The initial report was submitted to Public Safety Canada after the May 31 deadline on June 4, revised, and then resubmitted on August 22.
Issued also in French under title : L'Aréna des Canadiens Inc.: Rapport annuel 2023 relatif à la Loi sur la lutte contre le travail forcé et le travail des enfants dans les chaînes d'approvisionnement (2024)


Online Access



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