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Youth online and at risk : radicalization facilitated by the Internet.

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Canadian Policing Research



Alternate Title

Les jeunes en ligne à risque Internet : un outil de radicalisation.




Includes bibliographic references.


1 online resource (22 pages)


"National Security Criminal Investigations Program."
Issued also in French under title: Les jeunes en ligne à risque Internet : un outil de radicalisation.


While the internet provides access to rich educational experiences, great entertainment, and the chance to connect with friends around the clock, it also creates a number of risks that young people, parents, and guardians need to be aware of. There are the commonly known concerns of identity theft, online predators, and cyber-bullying but there is another issue that we need to collectively work to address— Radicalization to violence. This informational resource strives to increase the awareness of how the internet is being used to radicalize and recruit youth in North America.


Online Access


Introduction -- What can radicalization mean? -- What’s being shared? -- What you can do.

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