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Canadian innovations in the provision of pollicing services to Aboriginal peoples [electronic resource] / by John H. Hylton ; in association with Human Sector Resources.

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Canadian Policing Research






1 online resource (70 p.)


Section 1 gives the purpose and background of the report. Section 2 of this report highlights the results of the initial review of the literature on Aboriginal–police relations and summarizes the major findings. Section 3 reports the results of a survey of key respondents from police services across Canada that were identified as innovators in Aboriginal–police relations. Section 4 analyzes insights and lessons gained from other areas of Aboriginal human services. Finally, a concluding section draws on the work to date to propose a number of directions to guide the Inquiry’s recommendations in the area of Aboriginal–police relations.


Online Access


Ipperwash Inquiry research paper. Policing Aboriginal occupations and Aboriginal/police relations.

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