Canadian Policing Research Catalogue Search Results

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  • Canadian Policing Research



50 records found

Title Source Year
10 reasons to decriminalize sex work.
  • Academic Research
Prostitution in the Netherlands in 2014 / A.L. Daalder.
  • Government Document
2014-2016 plan d’action directeur sur la prostitution et la traite de personnes à des fins d’exploitation sexuelle.
  • Police Service
Document technique - projet de loi C-36, Loi modifiant le Code criminel pour donner suite à la décision de la Cour suprème du Canada dans l'affaire Procureur général du Canada c. Bedford et apportant des modifications à d'autres lois en conséquence (Loi sur la protection des collectivités et des personnes victimes d'exploitation).
  • Government Document
My work should not cost me my life : the case against criminalizing the purchase of sex in Canada / authors: Sex Workers United Against Violence, Sarah Allan, Darcie Bennett, Jill Chettiar, Grace Jackson, Andrea Krüsi, Katrina Pacey, Kerry Porth, Mae Price, Kate Shannon and Chrissy Taylornaud.
  • Academic Research
Technical paper - Bill C-36, an Act to Amend the Criminal Code in Response to the Supreme Court of Canada Decision in Attorney General of Canada v. Bedford and to Make Consequential Amendments to Other Acts (Protection of Communities and Exploited Persons Act).
  • Government Document
An awkward silence : missing and murdered vulnerable women and the Canadian Justice System / Maryanne Pearce .
  • Academic Research
Domestic human trafficking for sexual exploitation in Canada.
  • Police Service
Portrait provincial du proxénétisme et de la traite de personnes.
  • Government Document
Research question : ‘what interventions have been shown to be effective in responding to prostitution?’ : [bibliography].
  • Government Document
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