Canadian Policing Research Catalogue Search Results

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  • Canadian Policing Research


"Department of Justice"

155 records found

Title Source Year
Out of the shadows : policy research for midsize law enforcement agencies : a call to action. 2010
The Youth Justice Initiative funding components evaluation : final report. 2010
Identifying the issues : victim services’ experiences working with victims with fetal alcohol spectrum disorder / Charlotte Fraser, Susan McDonald. 2009
Navigating your agency's path to intelligence-led policing. 2009
Paths to justice : research in brief / [Ab Currie, Charlotte Fraser, Susan McDonald, Angie Colombi]. 2009
Practical implications of current domestic violence research [electronic resource] : for law enforcement, prosecutors and judges / Andrew R. Klein. 2009
Working with victims of crime : a manual applying research to clinical practice (second edition) / by James K. Hill. 2009
Baseline capabilities for state and major urban area fusion centers : a supplement to the fusion center guidelines. 2008
Crimes Against Humanity and War Crimes Program, summative evaluation : final report. 2008
Department of Justice component of Canada's Action Plan Against Racism, formative evaluation : final report. 2008
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