Canadian Policing Research Catalogue Search Results

Search Criteria


  • Canadian Policing Research


"Exploring the role of the environmental context" OR "evolution of policing and police governance" OR "managing the development of essential leadership" OR "Activités pour accroître les compétences en leadership" OR "Early identification of police leadership potential" OR "Cost of police education and learning" OR "Developing the next generation of police officers and leaders" OR "work experience on military police academy performance" OR "Enhanced Education for Police Recruits in Ontario" OR "craft got to do with it" OR "Scholarly detectives" OR "Shelagh Morris" OR "best practice approach for police boards and commissions"

20 records found

Title Source Year
Point de vue civil sur l’évolution et la gouvernance des services de police / Alok Mukherjee.
  • Police Service
Early identification of police leadership potential in Alberta Police Service / by Graham John Abela.
  • Academic Research
Scholarly detectives : police professionalisation via academic education / Katja M. Hallenberg.
  • Academic Research
Activités pour accroître les compétences en leadership : supplément au guide : Le développement du leadership dans les services de police.
  • Police Service
Activities to build leadership competencies : a supplement to : Leadership development in police services.
  • Police Service
Le développement du leadership dans les services de police : gérer l’acquisition des compétences essentielles en leadership.
  • Police Service
Executive selection / Shelagh Morris.
  • Police Service
Leadership development in police services : managing the development of essential leadership competencies.
  • Police Service
Police executive selection : a best practice approach for police boards and commissions.
  • Police Service
Sélection des hauts gradés : une pratique exemplaire à l’intention des commissions de police.
  • Police Service
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