Canadian Policing Research Catalogue Search Results

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  • Canadian Policing Research


"Carleton University"

89 records found

Title Source Year
Is seeing believing? : public perception on the use of body worn video by police / Elizabeth Schultheis, Holly Ellingwood, & Craig Bennell.
  • Academic Research
The pacification of indigenous resistance : an anti-security analysis of idle no more protest policing and surveillance operations / by Matthew Jared Banninga.
  • Academic Research
Excited Delirium Syndrome (ExDS) : understanding the issues and reducing the risks associated with police use of force / Simon Baldwin.
  • Academic Research
The influence of eyewitness age, type of descriptor inconsistencies, and familiarity with defendant on mock jurors' perceptions of eyewitness testimony / by Jennifer Reed.
  • Academic Research
Is cyber aggression a new form of social aggression? : an examination of the frequency and motivations for using these behaviours / by Megan Lamb.
  • Academic Research
Reclaiming visual sovereignty : a theoretical critique of facial recognition technology / by Justin Tetrault.
  • Academic Research
The relationship between attitudes towards violence and violent behavior : the use of implicit and self-report measures / by Sacha Maimone.
  • Academic Research
Space-time clustering and prospective hot-spotting of Canadian crime / by Karla Emeno.
  • Academic Research
What is the relationship between RCMP annual firearms qualification scores and police officer performance in other use of force scenarios? / by Natasha Korva.
  • Academic Research
The blue line on thin ice : police use of force in the era of cameraphones, citizen journalism, and YouTube / by Gregory Roy Brown.
  • Academic Research
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