"In order for communities to be open to the use of sUAS by law enforcement, the public safety benefits of their use must clearly outweigh any potential risks. The use of sUAS poses challenges and liability risks for law enforcement which fuel community concerns. The liability risks for law enforcement include injury to persons or property, violation of a person’s right to privacy, and violations of the First Amendment, among others. Taking measures to ensure accountability to the community is key for any law enforcement sUAS program, and should be established early—well before a sUAS program is implemented. Some ways in which law enforcement agencies can work to proactively manage the risk of liability from sUAS use are establishing standard and program operating procedures, conducting program training, and ensuring sufficient program oversight.
Ensuring community input into law enforcement sUAS programs, from program inception through implementation, helps to ensure community trust and promote accountability. In section III we focus on conducting a needs assessment to determine whether UAS technology will address the needs of your community, and whether the community is ready for UAS technology."--Page 32.