What is Community Cohesion? -- Why is Community Cohesion important? -- What makes communities less cohesive? -- How do we identify areas with low levels of community cohesion? -- What indicators are there of tensions in your community? -- How can you understand your community better? -- What is a Neighbourhood Policing team, and who is in it? -- What role can Neighbourhood Policing teams play in tackling community cohesion? -- Who are the key partners? -- How can we build a successful cohesion partnership at every level? -- What does a cohesive community look like? -- What is Neighbourhood Profiling and how does it help? -- What are the key things we can do to improve cohesion? -- How can local authorities work closely with Neighbourhood Policing teams to improve cohesion? -- What do we do if something happens, locally, nationally or globally, to affect community cohesion negatively? -- How do we run a tension monitoring group, and how can it help cohesion? -- How effective are you at managing community cohesion – a self-assessment checklist.