"The Justice Partnership and Innovation Program
transfers funds to third parties to carry out activities corresponding to objectives focussed on the promotion of justice-related knowledge among the public, the promotion of public access to the justice system, the promotion of dialogue among justice stakeholders respecting justice issues, and the identification of new justice issues. In addition to general grants and contributions awarded to organizations based on the submission of qualified proposals, JPIP provides core funding to one public legal education and information (PLEI) organization in each province, as well as to the International Centre for Criminal Law Reform and Criminal Justice Policy (ICCLR), grants to five organizations identified annually in the Main Estimates, and an annual contribution to the National Aboriginal Achievement Foundation, which administers the Legal Studies for Aboriginal People (LSAP) program. For the 2010-11 fiscal year, JPIP provided a total of $4,103,888 in funding."--Page i.
1. Introduction -- 1.1. Overview of the Justice Partnership and Innovation Program -- 1.2. Purpose and scope of the evaluation -- 1.3. Methodology -- 2. Findings -- 2.1. Continued need for the Program -- 2.2. Alignment with government priorities, and alignment with federal roles and responsibilities -- 2.3. Achievement of expected outcomes -- 2.4. Demonstration of efficiency and economy -- 3. Conclusions --
3.1. Program relevance --
3.2. Program performance --4. Recommendations and management response --
Appendix A. Case studies --
Appendix B. Interview guide --
Appendix C. Sampling strategy --
Appendix D. Survey questionnaire --
Appendix E. Case study instructions.