"Mandate/Objectives: Represent the police community in ensuring that emerging police issues, priorities and concerns are addressed by Statistics Canada surveys and products; Facilitate the development of partnerships among governments and criminal justice agencies to further the integration of justice information systems; Collaborate with Statistics Canada and police organizations in the development of standard police performance indicators; Promote improved police management and decision making by identifying, developing and communicating best practices in the collection, analysis and application of statistical information; Ensure that, in the development of new and ongoing surveys of crime and police resources, data can be provided by the police community in a standardized and cost-effective manner, minimizing respondent burden and costs; Promote innovation in information systems, collection techniques and other matters that improve the production and utility of police information; Review Statistics Canada reports before public release to ensure that appropriate context surrounding issues and trends is included to explain differences in local and regional comparisons, as well as to explain changes in trends."--Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police web site.