Eleven papers (one in Spanish) presented at a workshop during the United Nations Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice meetings in April 2006 explore how to maximize the effectiveness of the technical assistance (TA) provided to member states. The emphasis is on identifying best practices, evaluating current efforts, and learning from participants' collective experiences. Topics of the papers include: are there key components for effective assistance? (by Margaret Shaw); maximizing the effectiveness of the TA provided by members states of the UN commission (Margaret Shaw and Yvon Dandurand); the European Union (EU) approach to TA (Patrick Dolle); capacity building and TA in small states (Yvon Dandurand); TA for revitalizing the probation aides' system in The Philippines (Masahiro Tauchi); police assistance in Serbia (Tor Tanke Holm); assistance and cooperation in Latin American countries (in Spanish, by Ronald Woodbridge); TA from UNAFRI to its member states in Africa (N. Masamba Sita and Patrick Mwaita); human rights and TA in Afghanistan and Iraq (ISISC and IHRLI); the EU framework for financial mobilization in crime prevention and criminal justice (Patrick Dolle); and, evaluating the effectiveness of TA (Yvon Dandurand).