Purpose : |
The Youth Inclusion Program aims to address local issues such as community safety and youth crime, and seeks to offer a range of activities to attract young people into positive lifestyles. The objective is to reduce youth crime and anti-social behaviour in high-risk neighbourhoods by creating a safe place where youth can go to learn new skills, take part in pro-social activities with others, and get help with their education and other determined needs. Positive role models help to change participants’ attitudes toward education and crime.
The ONE Change Youth Inclusion Program will address four specific risk factors: substance abuse; poor school attachment; inadequate parental engagement; and lack of recreational activities. The project will assist 50 at-risk youth per year over a three-year period. In total, 150 youth aged 11-15, identified as being at high risk of offending, will participate in the program. These youth will be referred by local community policing services, Lorne Middle School, and other youth serving organizations.