Disclosure of Grant and Contribution Awards Over $25,000

Recipient name : Aboriginal Women's Association of PEI
Location : Lennox Island, Prince Edward Island
Date : 2006-09-25
Value : $50,000.00
Type : Grant
Purpose : This final stage of project activity will focus on refining the group design developed to date and reinforcing and expanding the three groups that are now operating. Story-telling, based on traditional legends and practices, will be incorporated into the design and the intergenerational model will be expanded to three generations of girls and women, with the young women being trained to deliver positive messages regarding personal safety and security to younger girls. Mentorship training will be developed and delivered based on traditional practices. The program model will be shared with interested participants at a workshop to be held at the conclusion of the project. Finally, the sponsor and project partners will develop a long-term sustainability plan to ensure that the groups continue to operate and evolve based on the feedback, interests and needs of young aboriginal girls and women.
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