Disclosure of Grant and Contribution Awards Over $25,000

Recipient name : La Séjournelle
Location : Shawinigan, Quebec
Date : 2006-08-23
Value : $100,000.00
Type : Grant
Purpose : The goal of the current project is to develop and put in place a model of inter-sectoral actions to prevent physical assaults and homicides in order to improve the security of victims of spousal violence. The project was developed based on the model in place in Duluth in the United States. The essence of the project consists of two main elements; one element is a common framework for the evaluation of the security of victims of spousal violence and the other element is the development of coherent and well-planned inter-sectoral actions and services. The project brings together representatives from the Sûreté du Québec, the Crown Prosecutors' Office, Quebec Correctional Services, the Commission québécoise des libérations conditionnelles, a support and shelter service for women who are victims of spousal violence and a support service for violent spouses. These representatives work together to improve their services and interventions that they provide to the women who are victims, as well as to the violent spouses, always with the goal of preventing recurrences and improving the security of victims. The recipient requests to undertake the suggested actions in order to be able to deliver the tools for evaluation of the security of victims of spousal violence that will be used by all partners and to enter into inter-sectoral response protocols (safe house - police; safe house - prosecutors; safe house - violent spouses group). The partners will have a common framework allowing them to exchange information during a situation perceived as dangerous which should ultimately prevent physical assaults and homicides and ultimately moderate sentencing measures.
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