Parliamentary Committee Notes: Repeat violent offenders and offender reintegration

Date: March 20, 2023
Classification: Non-classifié
Secteur / Agence: CPB

Proposed Response:


Increasingly, jurisdictions across Canada have been looking for ways to address the issue of repeat and violent offending. It is understood that due to its complexities, there will be several ways that partners can work together to bring forward solutions.  

Public Safety Canada's National Crime Prevention Strategy (NCPS) provides funding to projects that contribute to preventing and reducing crime in Canada and to increasing knowledge about what works in crime prevention. The NCPS aims to deliver concrete results in local communities by funding and evaluating interventions to prevent and reduce offending among those most at-risk, especially:

Within these populations, the NCPS will also target specific priority crime issues such as drug-related crime, youth gangs and gun violence.
While Public Safety (PS) also plays a critical role in providing funding and programs to provinces, territories and municipalities for broader public safety objectives. PS may leverage these initiatives in a broader response to public safety concerns and to help mitigate risks associated with accused persons released from custody prior to trial.

These initiatives have included taking action to address the challenge of gun crime with a comprehensive plan that increases resources to communities and aims at removing guns from the streets, including funding directed to provinces and territories as part of the Guns and Gangs Violence Action Fund under the Initiative to Take Action Against Gun and Gang Violence. This program, works to support prevention, intervention, suppression and enforcement initiatives at the provincial/territorial, municipal and community levels.

The large majority of individuals who do become incarcerated will be released in their lifetime. The Federal Framework to Reduce Recidivism (the Framework) was tabled in Parliament on June 22, 2022. It is the first step in putting together a plan that identifies crucial factors that impact why people reoffend and how to support safe and successful reintegration into the community. Rehabilitation is provided through effective correctional programs and interventions in the institutions where most offenders serving a sentence reside prior to being supervised in the community. Offenders follow a correctional plan, throughout their sentence, to help address the factors contributing to their criminal behaviour.

The Framework points to the intent to develop a comprehensive implementation plan by June 2023 that will direct efforts and resources to address the unique circumstances of offenders exiting the correctional system in order to assist with their successful reintegration into the community following incarceration and to prevent reoffending.

In 2007, Public Safety Canada created the National Flagging System Grant Program. Public Safety offers grants to provinces and territories participating in the NFS to enhance their capacity to identify and track high-risk, violent offenders and facilitate prosecution and sentencing of these offenders if they re-offend. The National Flagging System is both a database and a network of provincial/territorial officials who are responsible for identifying high-risk offenders for flagging purposes. The objectives of the NFS are:


Prepared by: Nikki Maier, Manager, Community Safety and Crime  Division, 343-573-4837
Approved by: Talal Dakalbab, Assistant Deputy Minister, Crime Prevention Branch, 613-852-1167

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