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A historical review of the evolution of police practices, policies and training regarding child sexual abuse / prepared by Joseph P. Hornick, and Chelsey Morrice.

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Canadian Policing Research



Alternate Title

Examen de l’évolution des pratiques, des politiques et de la formation au sein de la police en ce qui concerne les abus sexuels infligés à des enfants.




Includes bibliographical references.


1 online resource (114 [28] pages)


Authors affiliated with Canadian Research Institute for Law and the Family.
"Submitted to: Cornwall Public Inquiry."
"Submitted by: Canadian Research Institute for Law and the Family."
"September 12, 2008"--Cornwall Public Inquiry website.
"Report of the Cornwall Public Inquiry - Research Papers"--Cornwall Public Inquiry website.
"Commissioned Phase 1 Research Papers"--Cornwall Public Inquiry website.
Summary issued in French under title: Examen de l’évolution des pratiques, des politiques et de la formation au sein de la police en ce qui concerne les abus sexuels infligés à des enfants.
The original document was published on the public website of the Government of Ontario. © Queen’s Printer for Ontario, 2008. Reproduced with permission.


In July 2006, the Cornwall Public Inquiry contracted with the Canadian Research Institute for Law and the Family (CRILF) to conduct a selective review of the development and evolution of Canadian police practices and policies in respect to the response to complaints of child sexual abuse and complaints by adults of historical abuse. In order to provide a comprehensive review of all aspects of child sexual abuse cases, the process and practices regarding investigations over time were examined. The specific objectives of this review were to: examine the evolution of police practices and policies in respect to police response to complaints of child sexual abuse from 1960 to 2006; examine any differences related to community size; and examine practices with respect to police officers reporting suspected abuse or reporting issues and handling of complaints.


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