National Security

The first priority of the Government of Canada is to protect the safety and security of Canadians both at home and abroad.

Public Safety Canada spearheads this effort by coordinating the activities of federal departments and agencies tasked with protecting Canadians and their communities, businesses and interests. Public Safety is also responsible for developing policies and providing advice to the Minister.

The preservation of national security is a multi-faceted endeavor that requires cooperation across a diverse range of initiatives and programs. Public Safety Canada functions as a centralized hub for coordinating work in counter-terrorism, critical infrastructure, cyber security and transportation security.

Additionally, Public Safety Canada engages with Canadian citizens to ensure that our country's national security efforts reflect and benefit the interests of all communities.

Anti-Hate Initiatives

Public Safety Canada is taking action to combat hate and violent extremism; support organizations in their work to counter hate, violent extremism, and their harmful impacts on individuals and communities; and help ensure that Canadians feel safe in their communities.

Bias Sensitivity, Diversity and Identity in National Security

Enhancing bias sensitivity, diversity and identity (BSDI) considerations to improve national security policies, programs and operations. Applying gender-based analysis plus (GBA+) to planned and current actions, initiatives, engagement, outreach and research, including monitoring and evaluation.


Protecting our communities from the threat of terrorism is of the utmost importance to the Government of Canada. Guided by Canada's Counter-terrorism Strategy, Public Safety Canada coordinates efforts to align government activities according to the four elements that underpin the Strategy aimed at preventing, detecting, denying and responding to terrorism.

The success of our counter-terrorism efforts depends on collaboration with all levels of government, including provincial and territorial governments, law enforcement and civil society.

Connecting with Canadian Communities

Public Safety Canada created the Cross-Cultural Roundtable on Security in order to engage Canadian community leaders on matters related to national security. The group provides advice and perspectives to the Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness and the Minister of Justice, focusing on emerging developments in national security and their impact on Canada's diverse and pluralistic society.

Counter Proliferation

The Government of Canada is countering the spread – or proliferation – of chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear (CBRN) weapons by preventing the acquisition of related goods and technologies, advanced knowledge and expertise and financial support by illegal CBRN weapons proliferators.

Critical Infrastructure

Disruptions to our critical infrastructure could result in catastrophic loss of life or adverse economic effects, and significantly undermine the safety and wellbeing of Canadian communities. Public Safety Canada works with partners to strengthen the resilience of Canada's vital assets and systems such as our electricity grids, transportation, communications and public safety systems.

Cyber Security

In order to embrace the full advantages of cyberspace, Canada must guard against those who would attack our digital infrastructure to undermine our national security, economic prosperity and quality of life. Public Safety Canada works closely with domestic and international partners as part of the global effort to protect critical assets and information and combat cyber crime.

Five-Country Ministerial

An annual meeting of the security and immigration ministers of the Five Eyes partners: Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and the United States. This forum is used to discuss policies and operational approaches on a range of public safety and national security issues.

Foreign Interference

Foreign interference poses one of the greatest strategic threats to Canada's national security.

Information Sharing for National Security

Public Safety Canada provides leadership and guidance on the responsible and effective sharing of national security information between federal government departments and agencies and foreign entities.

National Security Transparency Commitment

The Government of Canada is committed to accountability and transparency while maintaining Canada's national security and the safety of Canadians. Through its six principles, the National Security Transparency Commitment paves the way for federal departments and agencies to provide Canadians with tools and information to better understand national security issues affecting Canada and how the Government of Canada keeps Canadians safe.

Research Security

Protecting knowledge and research in Canada

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