Marihuana Grow Initiative (Synopsis)

Royal Canadian Mounted Police

Description: Launched in 2011, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) Marihuana Grow Initiative (MGI) is a response to the growing problems associated with the production, trafficking, export and domestic demand for illicit marihuana. The MGI involves three key pillars: awareness, deterrence and enforcement. It brings together a confederation of organizations known as the National Council Against Marihuana Grow Operations and Clandestine Laboratories. Member organizations include the RCMP, other law enforcement agencies, federal, provincial and municipal government agencies and public sector entities.

Members meet to discuss concerns and operational support needs. Dedicated law enforcement teams work to identify, disrupt and dismantle organized crime groups profiting from the illicit production and trafficking of marihuana. A key feature of the initiative is the MGI website, which shows the addresses of homes where marihuana grow operations were seized.
Objective: The MGI has several objectives:
  • allow members to work with a broad range of partners to exchange information, run joint training initiatives, develop strategies and coordinate operations;
  • enhance members’ ability to monitor, analyze and predict regional and national trends on marihuana production and trafficking;
  • enhance members’ ability to adjust tactical and strategic objectives based on the analysis of trends; and
  • develop increased intelligence capacity.
Outcomes: MGI partnerships have enhanced operations and helped to overcome legislative issues. The Public Prosecution Service of Canada is working increasingly closely with RCMP teams across Canada. The perception that operations are enhanced is strong in Ontario, Quebec, Alberta and New Brunswick. An evaluation showed that the MGI website had received over 400,000 visits and was referenced by more than 300 sources. The website has obtained significant national news coverage and has been featured on many social media sites. Canadians have responded positively to the website through online feedback.
Resources: There were no significant set-up costs.
Province: Ontario
Record Entry Date: 2015-03-01
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