Forensic Identification Assistant (Synopsis)

York Regional Police

Description: Forensic Identification Assistants (FIAs) are civilians who collect fingerprints, photographic evidence and DNA evidence at most property crime scenes, and do some laboratory work to analyze crime scene evidence. They also assist in dealing with crimes against persons. The hiring of civilian FIAs allows for the redeployment of uniformed Scenes of Crime officers to frontline duties. York Regional Police hired 10 FIAs in 2013 to take over roles formerly held by uniformed officers, and will hire an additional seven civilians in 2014.
Objective: The objectives of the FIA initiative are to centralize the Scenes of Crime program and increase its efficiency, free up frontline officers for core policing duties, and increase customer service.
Outcomes: An evaluation has not yet been completed, but this program serves as a model for other services within Ontario. Information on the program’s implementation is being shared with the Ontario Police College. This will lead to changes and standards in scenes of crime evaluation.
Resources: This initiative required the following resources: 17 civilian staff ($62,000–65,000 each); three vehicles equipped for crime scenes (approximately $25,000 each); six unique design uniforms ($40 each); and office requirements, including facilities for IT (approximately $10,000).
Province: Ontario
Record Entry Date: 2015-03-01
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